science at the service
of sport

Logo speed tracker

Turnkey technology, precise performance analysis, customized training programs

HD Camera

Our software

Cutting-edge technologies for sports performance analysis

After more than six years of research and development, SciencePerfo has launched its SpeedTracker, a turnkey technology that enables athletes to analyze their performance with unprecedented precision and offer them tailor-made training programs.

About us

SciencePerfo’s mission is to put science, research and technology at the service of sport, in order to revolutionize training methods and athlete development.


Stay abreast of advances in the world of sports and training

Article récent

SpeedTracker as a screening test! .


Integrate science into your methods.
Adopt the SciencePerfo approach.

Field hockey level 1 certification

For physical trainers, skills trainers, therapists, technical trainers and others.

The SciencePerfo method

A proven scientific approach

As part of a research project conducted at Université Laval, we were able to compare the development of players in two sport-study field hockey programs: one group using the SciencePerfo method, the other training using a traditional method. After one year, the study showed significantly greater improvements for players who had followed tailor-made programs provided by SciencePerfo.