Field hockey and yoga, a good combination? MAXIME Sports physiotherapist The practice of…
Science Perfo15 November 2017
The arm movement while skating is often poorly taughtMAXIME Sport physiotherapist Moving at a fast…
dactylo20 September 2016
Check: who's right? MAXIME Sports physiotherapist The optimal age for the introduction of body checking…
dactylo26 January 2016
Frequent knee injuriesMAXIMESports physiotherapistThere's no doubt that skating is an art that field hockey players…
dactylo27 August 2015
What if the hip was guilty? MAXIME Sport physiotherapist In previous articles, we discussed some…
dactylo3 May 2015
Why is it easier to turn left? MAXIME Sports physiotherapist In a field hockey match,…
dactylo28 April 2015
Why is it easier to turn left?MAXIMESport physiotherapistIn field hockey, various skating techniques are used…
dactylo28 April 2015
Forward start and hip position MAXIME Sports physiotherapist For field hockey players, the groin and…
dactylo23 March 2015